
Monday, 10 September 2018

Today my group had reading. We had to pick a task card and learn about it so I wanted to learn about Tobacco. Here is what I had to do for 30 minutes. I had to read the questions that were on the reading card and answer them. I had a differnet mind set I wanted to ask teachers about my questions that were on the card. Take a look of what the teachers think about the questions and what they answerd with. Hope you like it and please leave a comment down below of what I could work on. Thank you :)

Date: 5/08/2018

Unit: 17
Title of text:  

Summary of text (retell in your own words):
Tobacco is SUPER DANGEROUS for your health when you smoking because it is narrowing your blood vessels and blocking the blood that is is going to your heart.

Glossary (write these words here along with their meaning):
Irritation-reaction to cell lining damage
Ulcers-Open sores

Tricky words (write them here and add the meaning):
Optic neuritis ( Blindness )
Gum disease

Questions (type in the questions and your answers):

What Teachers Think About Tobacco

  1. What is Tobacco? Cigarettes and it’s a drug Mrs Siale - Smokes & Cigarettes
  2. What is nicotine? Mrs Halena - Poison for your body
  3. What does the WHO estimate and what is predict?
  4. What are three major health risks associated with smoking?( Mrs Faalili - Lung fathlery ,  Gangrene & heart fail ) Mrs Saieli - Lung problems, You can die Short breath - Mrs Halena - Heart attack, cancer & Diabetes
  5. Why should smokers be at greater risk of dying from heart disease? Mrs Faalili - Idk  Mrs Siale - If your smoking then it can travel to your heart and blood system - Mrs Halena - Most is smoking because nicotine is blocking vein were blood cannot flow probably to heart .
  6. What other major factor should deter people from taking up smoking?
  7. What long could smoking one cigarette a day for taking a week take off a person’s life? Mrs Halena - A day.
    What does the word ‘’addictive’’ mean? Mrs Faalili - Something have to have - Mrs Siale - A habit that people feel like they cant give up
  8. Why do people smoke if it so bad for them? Mrs Faalili-Because Mrs Siale -They are addicted to the drug
  9. Why can’t the sale of Tobacco just be made illegal for everyone? Mrs Faalili -

What did you learn/enjoy/not enjoy about today’s work?
I learned that Tobacco is very dangerous for your health and the three MAJOR health problems where Lung
cancer, emphysema and heart disease.

I really enjoyed hearing what Mrs Siale, Mrs Faalili and Mrs Halena had to say about my questions I asked them.

I did not have anything work that I did not like today because I loved learning interesting facts about Tobacco.

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