
Thursday, 14 March 2019

Lexiannah Huch

Talofa lava, my name is Lexiannah Huch. I am a year 8 student at Glen Taylor School. I'm sports captain for 2019, I enjoy this role because I love to play all kinds of sports and helping other students out if they are struggling. 
I have repesented auckland basketball for 2 year, I was the youngest for the 2 years that I have played for them. 2018 I was only 12 playing with 13 & 14 year olds, 2019 still 12 when we went to nationals but then I turned 13. I was really proud becuase I over came the fear of playing with older girls.

My favourite subject is writing because I feel free and opened minded when I write, I got a peice of my writing published to a book called ''Toitoi'. That was such a big accomplisment for me. 

My biggest challenge this year would be going to auckland champs in october with the yr 8 girls because we made history at the eastern zone basketball competition, overall we came first and were all so happy.