I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 12 and my teacher is Mr. Raj.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Water Project
For this activity, please watch this short introductory video from The Water Project.On your blog, share what you have learned about The Water Project with us. What is the goal of the organisation? Where do they work? What have they achieved?
Buddy team work,
water project
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Samoan Pepeha - Lexiannah
Silafaga maualuga maia le mamalu ma le paia o le tatou faapotopotoga.
O lou igoa o Lexiannah,
Ou te nofo i le pito nu’u o Panmure.
O lou igoa o Lexiannah,
Ou te nofo i le pito nu’u o Panmure.
O a’u o se tama’ititi aoga i le aoga o Glen Taylor.
Ou lou mauga e tu i Mt Wellington.
O lou vaitafe e solo mai Logato’o ae pupuna i tua o le matou nu’u o Ululoloa.
All about me,
Lorde Profile Page
While doing this Profile Page, I have learnt about Lorde and her history. She is from Auckland, New Zealand and she got her first ablum at the age of 13.
Profile Page,
Summer Learning Journey
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Google Earth- Glen Innes
Using Google Earth, we went to find Glen Innes. We had a list of places to screenshot and then answer questions about using Google Earth. It was fun and I really enjoyed learning more about Google Earth.
Glen Innes,
Google Earth
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
Cooking tech - Pizza
Step 1 - Paste the top of the pizza bread with tamato sauce.
Step 2 - Dice red pepper, tamato, red onion and ham
Step 3 - Spread all your vegetables, ham, cheese, pineaples on top. Put sauce on top and bake for 15 minutes.
Step 1 - Paste the top of the pizza bread with tamato sauce.
Step 2 - Dice red pepper, tamato, red onion and ham
Step 3 - Spread all your vegetables, ham, cheese, pineaples on top. Put sauce on top and bake for 15 minutes.
tamaki college
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Muesum Trip
Some Glen Taylor School students went to the Muesum to learn about Tapa and Tivaevae. I learnt a lot and I hope I can go again and learn more.
Glen Taylor school,
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Tech - Cooking Muffin
Step 1 - 1 1/2 c.s.r flour
- 1/4 c of cocoa
3 - 1/2 x of sugar
Step 2 - egg
- 1/2 c of milk
- 1/2 c of oil
Step 3 - Mix Well
- bake for 25 minutes
- take it out, let it cool down
- serve on plate and eat
Step 1 - 1 1/2 c.s.r flour
- 1/4 c of cocoa
3 - 1/2 x of sugar
Step 2 - egg
- 1/2 c of milk
- 1/2 c of oil
Step 3 - Mix Well
- bake for 25 minutes
- take it out, let it cool down
- serve on plate and eat
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Lasagna - Cooking Tech

Step 1 - Boil Lasahna with two cups of water until it is soft
Step 2 - Cook mice, until ot is cooked, add sauce and finish it off with cheese
Step 3 - Taste, add salt spices
Step - 4 Serve

Step 1 - Boil Lasahna with two cups of water until it is soft
Step 2 - Cook mice, until ot is cooked, add sauce and finish it off with cheese
Step 3 - Taste, add salt spices
Step - 4 Serve
food tech,
tamaki college
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
English Breakfast - Cooking
English Breakfast
Step 1 - Toast - 2 pieces of bread
- Bake beans - warm up
- Bacon - fry
- Eggs - fry
Step 2 - Serve on plate
- photo
- clean
- eat time
Step 1 - Toast - 2 pieces of bread
- Bake beans - warm up
- Bacon - fry
- Eggs - fry
Step 2 - Serve on plate
- photo
- clean
- eat time
food tech,
tamaki college
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
Tuna Salad - Cooking
Tuna Salad
step 1 - Boil pasta with 2 1/2 of cold water until it is soft, drain under cold water using the colander.
Step 2 - Dice, onion, red peper.
Step 3 - Mix all with mayonnaise
Step 4 - Server on white plate and take a picture.
food tech,
tamaki college,
tuna salad
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Camp 2019
The year 7 & 8's of Glen Taylor School went to Camp Bentzon and had soo much fun that we all want to go back and do everything all over again. I had so much fun but I also had some downtimes, overall I wish to go back with the same people, I will always remember this experience because it was so interesting.
Camp Bentzon,
Glen Taylor school,
room 12
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
#Making Butter
In today's learing me and my class made Butter.
I really enjoyed making butter with cream and knowing what are the properties of cream milk.
What I didn't enjoy was I had to clean up my mess and wait till the end when I could use my butter to butter the bread.
making butter,
Rm 12
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Manaiakalani Learner Questionnarie
I liked the question " what school do you go to" because Glen Taylor is such a great school to attend. The question that I thought that was the trickiest question was the one when the survey asked me if Learn Create Share affected or helped with my culture, I didn't get it and I was wondering way it would ask me that. The question that they didn't ask is if I had siblings and if they come to this school. I think that I should get chocolate ice cream for my participation and effort I put in this survey.
Manaiakalani servey
Thursday, 2 May 2019
#Facts about Mars

Planets and is around 227,940,000 km from the sun.
The planet is is named after Mars,the Roman god of warIn ancient Roman religion and myth, Mars (Latin: Mārs, [maːrs]) was the god of war and also an agricultural guardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome. He was second in importance only to Jupiter and he was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion of the Roman army.
Only 16 of the 39 Mars mission have benn succseful
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
ANZAC facts
- The ANZACs were all volunteers.
- April 25, Anzac Day, was the day the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landed on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915.
- 25 April, was officially named ANZAC Day in 1916.
- The first dawn service on an ANZAC Day was in 1923.
- AIF is an abbreviation for Australian Imperial Force.
- ANZAC Day was not a public holiday in New Zealand until 1921.
- ANZAC Day was not a public holiday in Australia until 1921. However it was not observed uniformly in all the states.
- The Gallipoli Peninsula is very near the famous ancient city of Troy.
- The term ANZAC is protected under Australian law.
3 facts about the one & only Tyrannosaurus rex
1. The Tyrannosaurus rex is the most poplar dinosaur because the beast was on video games, movies, books & t.v shows that are shown through out the world.
2. Tyrannosarus rex didn't have the smallest arm to body ratio of all the carnivous dinosaurs.
3. Tyrannosaurus rex body features that get laughed at the most is his tiny arms, scientist actually say that the Tyrannosaurus rex arms are 3 foot long and can bench press 400 pounds each.
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Lexiannah Huch

I have repesented auckland basketball for 2 year, I was the youngest for the 2 years that I have played for them. 2018 I was only 12 playing with 13 & 14 year olds, 2019 still 12 when we went to nationals but then I turned 13. I was really proud becuase I over came the fear of playing with older girls.
My favourite subject is writing because I feel free and opened minded when I write, I got a peice of my writing published to a book called ''Toitoi'. That was such a big accomplisment for me.
My biggest challenge this year would be going to auckland champs in october with the yr 8 girls because we made history at the eastern zone basketball competition, overall we came first and were all so happy.
My favourite subject is writing because I feel free and opened minded when I write, I got a peice of my writing published to a book called ''Toitoi'. That was such a big accomplisment for me.
My biggest challenge this year would be going to auckland champs in october with the yr 8 girls because we made history at the eastern zone basketball competition, overall we came first and were all so happy.
# Money and Learning,
All about me,
Rm 12
Thursday, 28 February 2019
Kite project
Today we worked with our buddy class room 5, The older kids had to go pick them 2 or 3 little room 5 students to work with. So I picked a proud tongan boy named Villami, he was very creative, happy and a funny student. We got given two papers and we had to make a dimond shape, after wards we got a long thin stick to place on the paper. Then we turned on the hot glue gun and sticked the long thin stick on the paper shaped as a dimond and then got a hole puncher. Villami put a hole in the middle of the kite and then cut 5 meters of the green thin string and put it into the hole. Then we ran outside and tested the kite if it could fly and it did we were very happy that it workd.
Buddy class,
Room 5
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